Duration: approximately 30 mins
(anytime between 17:00-24:00)
Price: 6 000 - 10 000 HUF
3 to 6 wines
Drop by and taste through a 3 or 6 wine flight of great Hungarian wines at the best wine bar in Budapest. We’ll have a brief conversation to get to know you better and then offer you our recommended selections.
We’ll talk about the wines, the winemaking, the country in general, anything you’d like to hear more about. You’re welcome to ask questions. It’s a nice informative introduction to what Hungary has to offer.
Our wine bar is located near the historic opera house in the center of the city.
1061, Paulay Ede utca 59. The bar is called Parlé.
You’re free to come by anytime between 17:00 and 20:00 to taste through the wines.
If you cannot come to your reservation, please do us the courtesy of sending a cancellation message. Our bar is small and we strive to accommodate all our requests. Thank you